Redding Dentist: Do You Get Headaches?

According to the National Headache Foundation, over 45 million Americans suffer from chronic, recurring headaches and of these, 28 million suffer from migraines. About 20% of children and adolescents also experience significant headaches. There are many different types of headaches.

Cluster Headache Cluster headaches are relatively uncommon, but these headaches cause excruciating, sharp-as-knife pain around one eye. Attacks occur daily in clusters of weeks or months, then disappear completely for months or years. They are four times more common in men than women, and typically start before age 30. See your doctor if you think you have a cluster headache.

Rebound Headache

Rebound headaches occur in less than 2% of patients whose persistent headache pain causes them to overuse headache medication. These headaches may worsen with physical or mental exertion. Talk to your doctor if you feel that you may be experiencing these headaches.

Sinus Headache

Sinus headaches are headaches with a deep and constant pain in the cheekbones, forehead, or bridge of the nose. This pain usually intensifies with sudden head movement or straining and is usually accompanied by symptoms such as fever, runny nose, and clogged ears. tension headaches and migraine headaches are most common. Since these two types of headaches may be treated differently, determining which type you have is a critical step in pain relief.

Tension Headache

Tension headaches are sometimes called muscle contraction headaches. The pain is usually a dull ache on both sides of the head and has been described as feeling like a tight band across the front of the head. It is also associated with stiffness of the neck/shoulder and frequent pain.

Migraine Headache

Migraine headaches produce moderate to severe pounding or throbbing pain, common on one side of the head. Migraine pain is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and sensitivity to light and/or sounds.

TMJ Migraine Headache:

If you suffer with complaints of migraine or other headache pain, I would like to make you aware of one basic scientific fact that is undeniable: TMJ or jaw joint dysfunction, is the major cause of your suffering. Your doctors, including neurologist, have simply not received the dental training required to be able to diagnose TMJ problems and how they relate to your migraine or headache pain. That is the main reason there is so much skepticism about TMJ treatment from the medical profession. Physicians just don’t know enough about it. Furthermore, many dentists jump on the bandwagon thinking that they can cure these ailments, only to find that they lack the skill and experience to get the job done.

Symptoms of TMJ Migraine Headache:

How are TMJ migraine patients evaluated? Dental and medical evaluation,clinical exam, including examination of chewing muscles and other related muscle to the joints. Observing patient’s difficulty of the opening the mouth and chewing. Diagnostic dental x-rays and medical x-rays of the joints.  Lateral skull x-rays with analysis to determine the skeletal component of the joint.

Night Guards: Some dentists use night guards to treat TMJ. My studies have shown that use of night guard does not help  TMJ headaches, but it will exacerbate the symptoms and does not offer any solution to the cause.

Successful Treatment Options for TMJ Disorder:

First line of defense is to seek help with a dentist whom has extensive training, continuous studies and experience on this area. Treatment is customized for the individual patient with definitive diagnosis. Every patient has a different degree of the derangement of the TMJ Disorder.Most important is to diagnose and come up with a treatment plan to that diagnosis.

If you suspect that you might have TMJ Migraine, I would be glad to examine you, to see if this is in deed the case and plan a treatment for you. This examination would be free of charge to you.



requestfree consult

In dentistry experience and Continuing Education are everything. Dr. Parvin Carter has over 30 years of experience in Practicing General Dentistry and 25 years in Orthodontics. She has thousands of hours of advanced training. In 2000, Academy of General Dentistry awarded Dr. Carter a Certificate of Mastership (MAGD) in General Dentistry. According to the Journal of the Academy of General Dentistry, only 1% of US dentists achieve this high level of advancement. Dr. Carter is a Certified and Preferred Provider of Invisalign. She has successfully treated over 400 patients with Invisalign.To find out more please see

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Dentist in Redding: Do You Spread Cavities to your Baby?

The easiest way to catch a cavity is when a mother is feeding a child. The mother will taste the food to check the temperature and then continue feeding the child. Immediately, that’s how kids get cavities.

feeding a child

Your kid could get cavity when you taste her food

According to the study by researchers at University of Louisville School of Dentistry, mothers with cavities can transmit caries-producing oral bacteria to their babies when they clean pacifiers by sticking them in their own mouths or by sharing spoons.

Tooth decay can have a detrimental effect on a child’s quality of life, performance in school and success in life.

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Kissing between couples can transfer cavity causing bacteria .

Kissing between couples can also cause the spread of harmful bacteria. Dr Irwin Smigel has seen many patients, particularly women, who have clean, healthy mouths, discover a cavity or two after entering into a relationship with a man who has cavities, gum disease or hasn’t been to the dentist in several years.

One 40-year-old woman who had never had a cavity suddenly got two after she began dating a man who had periodontal disease and hadn’t been to a dentist in 18 years.

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A man who has periodontal disease can transfer cavity causing bacteria to his partner.

Infants and children are especially vulnerable to the bacteria. A 2007 study conducted at the University of Queensland’s School of Dentistry in Australia found that cavity-causing bacteria was found in the mouths of 30% of 3-month-old babies and more than 80% of 24-month-olds with primary teeth.

Mothers with dental disease present a very high risk to their children:


baby with bottle

The easiest way to catch a cavity is when a mother is feeding a child.

Are Cavities Really Contagious?

Just as a cold virus can be passed from one person to the next, so can cavity-causing bacteria. One of the most common is Streptococcus Mutans. Infants and children are particularly vulnerable to it, and studies have shown that most pick it up from their caregivers — for example, when a mother tastes a child’s food to make sure it’s not too hot .

How to prevent spread of cavity causing bacteria to your baby:


Dentist in Redding: Stop Snoring!

Dr. Parvin Carter

Wake up! Most people don’t associate a good night’s sleep with oral health. But if you’re suffering from sleep problems, your dentist can help. Most dentist will not charge you for evaluation for sleep problems.This is a medical problem with a dental solution and most medical insurances cover the cost of treatment.
If you don’t get enough sleep, your body won’t work properly. Do you snore or grind your teeth at night? Both problems will affect your sleep.

You may be among the 45% of normal adults who snore at least occasionally or you likely know someone who does. He (or she) may be the brunt of jokes at family gatherings (“Uncle Joe snores so loudly he rattles the windows!”), but snoring is serious business.

For one, a snoring spouse often keeps the other person from a good night’s sleep, which can eventually lead to separate bedrooms. “Snoring can create real problems in a marriage,” says Daniel P. Slaughter, MD, an otolaryngologist and snoring expert at Capital Otolaryngology in Austin, Texas.

Do-it-Yourself remedies to stop snoring:

  • If you’re overweight, lose weight.

  • Sleep on your side.

  • Raise the head of your bed.

  • Nasal strips. Adhesive strips applied to your nose could help

  • Limit or avoid alcohol and sedatives. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages at least two hours before bedtime.

Sedatives and alcohol depress your central nervous system, causing excessive relaxation of muscles, including the tissues in your throat.

Studies show  75% of people who snore have obstructive sleepapnea.

Sleep Apnea could result to the following health problems:

  • High Blood Pressure.
  • Coronary Artery Disease and Heart Attack.
  •  Stroke. Sleep apnea may increase the risk of death in patients who have previously had a stroke.
  • Heart Failure.
  •  Atrial Fibrillation.
  • Diabetes. Severe obstructive sleep apnea is associated with type 2 diabetes.
  • Obesity. sleep apnea increases the risk for weight gain.
  • Pulmonary hypertension (high pressure in the arteries of the lungs).
  • Asthma.
  • Seizures, epilepsy, and other nerve disorders.
  • High-risk pregnancies. Sleep apnea may increase the risk of pregnancy complications, including gestational diabetes and high blood pressure.
  • Eye disorders, including glaucoma, floppy eyelid syndrome, optic neuropathy

How could my dentist help my snoring ?

Most dentists have undergone special training for the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea and are very skilled in its management using dental appliances.Your dentist can help you keep from snoring by ordering you a dental device that resembles a mouthguard worn by athletes. If you have sleep apnea, consult with your dentist for additional options. You may require an oral appliance that opens the airway and reduces the obstruction.

How oral appliances work:

  • Re-positioning the lower jaw, tongue, soft palate and uvula
  • Stabilizing the lower jaw and tongue
  • Increasing the muscle tone of the tongue.

If you grind your teeth at night, your dentist can prescribe an oral appliance to protect your tooth enamel.

Call your dentist today and ask for a free consult for sleep problem evaluation.

Dr. Parvin Carter has over 30 years of experience in Dentistry; she is a Preferred Provider of Invisalign and the director of A Redding Invisalign Center. She received her degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery, from Indiana University Dental School, in 1982, after which she immediately opened her private practice.
In July 1990 she received fellowship award from academy of General Dentistry. This award requires 600 hours of continuing education and passing required examination. In July 2000 Dr. Carter received Mastership award from Academy of General Dentistry. This is the highest award for continuing education. This award requires 800 hours of participation in dentistry specialties. According to the Journal of the Academy of General Dentistry, only 1% of US dentists achieve this high level of advancement.
Dr. Carter’s expertise are:
Invisalign, orthodontics, advanced TMJ treatment, oral surgery, sleep Disorders, placement of implants, restorations of cosmetic dentistry, whole mouth rehabilitation, fixed and removable prosthodontic, periodontics (soft tissue management), tooth and implant supported over dentures, endodontics, molars and anterior and sedation dentistry.

Dr. Parvin Carter is Certified and Preferred Provider of Invisalign. She has successfully treated over 368 patients with Invisalign. To find out more please see

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What is Google Glass

Dr. Parvin Carter

There are certain inventions we know are coming.  We’ve seen them in science fiction and it is just a matter of time until technology makes them possible.


So Google Glass is simply a real life manifestation of something we have been expecting.

google glass

Google founder Sergey Brin poses for a portrait wearing Google Glass during New York Fashion Week in September 2012.

Google Glass  is a wearable computer that is being developed by Google in the Project Glass research and development project,[8] Google Glass displays information in as smartphone-like hands-free format,[9] that can interact with the Internet via natural language voice commands.[10][11]

Glass is not a virtual reality headset. It doesn’t take over 100 percent of your view.  When you wear it, a small, translucent image can be seen when you look up.  At first you just see the current time, but if you say “OK Glass,” you get a list of things you can do.

What can you do with Google Glasses:

You can take a picture or video — Glass has a built-in camera and 12 gigabytes of memory.  Or, if you have it connected to your phone via Bluetooth, you can place a call, dictate a text or send an email.  You can also make a video call, where the person you are speaking to sees what you are seeing.

You can get driving or walking instructions.  It shows one turn per screen.  You simply have to glance up to see the direction.  In the car, its like glancing up to your sun visor, instead of down at your phone.

And you can do a web search.  If I ask it what the height of the Empire State Building is, I see a picture of the building with the answer in text. And a woman’s voice reads me the answer via the built-in speaker.

A new feature added in the past week lets you see a full web page.  You move around the page by raising and lowering your head, and looking side to side.  Touching the temple of Glass lets you “click” a link on the web page.  And yes, that looks really dorky when you do it.Glass will let you read emails or text messages, it can even read those aloud to you.

So, is Glass needed?

The navigation app shows some of the better capability, I think.  Larger tasks can be broken up into small tasks and shown to you one at a time.

A recipe app shows you the next step to perform as you cook or bake.

There is a team working on step-by-step CPR instructions so that you can read the instructions while your hands are on the victim.

The on-face camera is one of the Glass’ most immediate benefits.  I’ve seen some wonderful photos of babies taken by their mothers while holding them.  The baby sees Mom’s face; not a camera.  We get to see a baby looking at the human they most treasure and trust.

What is future development of Google Glass?

Google is encouraging developers to start building apps for its Glass augmented-reality eye-wear, even though it has yet to release the official Glass Development Kit (GDK) to help them do it.

Application of Google Glass in Health Care

This past June,  Dr. Rafael Grossman, a surgeon and one of the Google Explorers based in Maine, used Glass for something that no one else else — to our knowledge — has done yet: to live stream a surgery using a Google Glass Hangout, which he outlined in his blog.

Of course, the biggest issue with Glass is privacy; when someone is wearing the device, there’s no way to discern whether they are filming, snapping a photo, or just letting it sit there, dormant. Grossman was quick to acknowledge that this was his first concern, making sure to both get consent from the patient and to keep his or her face during the event.

He began the event by speaking to the audience, pre-operation, to describe what he was doing and once again stress the importance of maintaining a patient’s privacy. Then began the procedure, which involved endoscopically inserting a feeding tube. Grossman chose this surgery for his demo because of its relative simplicity, letting viewers see that his attention to detail was not detracted from wearing Glass.

The surgeon notes that Glass could be a very inexpensive way to help teach students and make medical advances. When the Explorer project first began, the device cost $1,500, but when it finally goes public, it’s expected to cost significantly less

As a health care provider,  I am very excited about the advantages that usage of Google Glass could offer to the patients.  However I do have privacy concerns about  Google Glass. I am really interested to hear from you .What do you think?

Google Glasses: Tech breakthrough or threat to privacy?

Your comments on either side regarding this new technology would be appreciated.

In dentistry experience and Continuing Education are everything. Dr. Parvin Carter has over 30 years of experience in Practicing General Dentistry and 25 years in Orthodontics. She has thousands of hours of advanced training. In 2000, Academy of General Dentistry awarded Dr. Carter a Certificate of Mastership (MAGD) in General Dentistry. According to the Journal of the Academy of General Dentistry, only 1% of US dentists achieve this high level of advancement. Dr. Carter is a Certified and Preferred Provider of Invisalign. She has successfully treated over 320 patients with Invisalign

Web Site The Doctor Invisalign Dental Services Testimonial Hours
Appointment Education Feed Back Refer Us Contact Us Mobile Web


What is TMJ (TMD) Disorder ?

What is TMJ (TMD) Disorder ?

Posted on March 12, 2013

What is TMJ (TMD) Disorder ?


Do you have Clicking, popping, or pain in the jaw joint? Grinding or clenching the teeth. Do you feel pain when you open your mouth? You might be suffering from TMJ.
Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) occur as a result of problems with the jaw, jaw joint and surrounding facial muscles that control chewing and moving the jaw. Some
estimates suggest that over 10 million Americans are affected. The condition appears to be more common in women than men

Symptoms of TMJ Disorders:

* Dizziness
* Muscle spasm
* Tinnitus
* Headaches
* Stress
* Toothache
* Teeth grinding
* Infection of the ears and sinuses
* Neck and shoulder pain
* Eye pain

How are the patients evaluated?

Dental and medical evaluation Diagnostic dental x-rays and medical x-rays of the joints, this defines the
bony detail of the joint, and lateral skull x-rays with analysis to determine the skeletal component of the joint.
Clinical exam, including examination of muscles of mastication and other related muscle to the joints. Also observing
Patient’s difficulty of the opening the mouth and chewing.

Treatment of TMJ Disorder

Physical Therapy:
This helps to reduce the inflammation and some relief however it would not be a permanent solution to the problem.

Medication such as anti-inflammatory will reduce the swelling of the component of the joint

This is the last resort and the statistics do not show much success.

Stress Management:
This will help to reduce some of the pain, however permanent solution is necessary, or over the time damage to TMJ
will continue and cause the return of the symptoms.

Neuromuscular Therapy:
This therapy has been shown to have limited results. It is necessary to define the causative factors. After removing these factors, this type of therapies might be helpful.

Night Guard:
Use of Night Guard will exacerbate the symptoms and does not offer any solution to the cause.

Successful Treatment Options for TMJ Disorder:
First line of defense is to seek help with a dentist whom has extensive training, continuous studies and experience on this area. Treatment is customized for the individual patient with definitive diagnosis. Every patient has a different degree of the derangement of the TMJ Disorder.Most important is to diagnose and come up with a treatment plan to that diagnosis.

Dr. Parvin Carter has over 30 years of experience in Dentistry; she is a Preferred Provider of Invisalign and the director of A Redding Invisalign Center. She received her degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery, from Indiana University Dental School, in 1982, after which she immediately opened her private practice.
In July 1990 she received fellowship award from academy of General Dentistry. This award requires 600 hours of continuing education and passing required examination. In July 2000 Dr. Carter received Mastership award from Academy of General Dentistry. This is the highest award for continuing education. This award requires 800hours of participation in dentistry specialties. According to the Journal of the Academy of General Dentistry, only 1% of US dentists achieve this high level of advancement.
Dr. Carter’s expertises are:
Invisalign, orthodontics, advanced TMJ treatment, oral surgery, sleep Disorders, placement of implants, restorations of cosmetic dentistry, whole mouth rehabilitation, fixed and removable prosthodontic, periodontics (soft tissue management), tooth and implant supported over dentures, endodontics, molars and anterior.

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What is TMJ (TMD) Disorder ?

What is TMJ (TMD) Disorder ?.

Businesswoman headache

Do you have Clicking, popping, or pain in the jaw joint? Grinding or clenching the teeth. Do you feel pain when you open your mouth? You might be suffering from TMJ.
Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) occur as a result of problems with the jaw, jaw joint and surrounding facial muscles that control chewing and moving the jaw. Some
estimates suggest that over 10 million Americans are affected. The condition appears to be more common in women than men

Symptoms of TMJ Disorders:

* Dizziness
* Muscle spasm
* Tinnitus
* Headaches
* Stress
* Toothache
* Teeth grinding
* Infection of the ears and sinuses
* Neck and shoulder pain
* Eye pain

How are the patients evaluated?

Dental and medical evaluation Diagnostic dental x-rays and medical x-rays of the joints, this defines the
bony detail of the joint, and lateral skull x-rays with analysis to determine the skeletal component of the joint.
Clinical exam, including examination of muscles of mastication and other related muscle to the joints. Also observing
Patient’s difficulty of the opening the mouth and chewing.

Treatment of TMJ Disorder

Physical Therapy:
This helps to reduce the inflammation and some relief however it would not be a permanent solution to the problem.

Medication such as anti-inflammatory will reduce the swelling of the component of the joint

This is the last resort and the statistics do not show much success.

Stress Management:
This will help to reduce some of the pain, however permanent solution is necessary, or over the time damage to TMJ
will continue and cause the return of the symptoms.

Neuromuscular Therapy:
This therapy has been shown to have limited results. It is necessary to define the causative factors. After removing these factors, this type of therapies might be helpful.

Night Guard:
Use of Night Guard will exacerbate the symptoms and does not offer any solution to the cause.

Successful Treatment Options for TMJ Disorder:
First line of defense is to seek help with a dentist whom has extensive training, continuous studies and experience on this area. Treatment is customized for the individual patient with definitive diagnosis. Every patient has a different degree of the derangement of the TMJ Disorder.Most important is to diagnose and come up with a treatment plan to that diagnosis.

Dr. Parvin Carter has over 30 years of experience in Dentistry; she is a Preferred Provider of Invisalign and the director of A Redding Invisalign Center. She received her degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery, from Indiana University Dental School, in 1982, after which she immediately opened her private practice.
In July 1990 she received fellowship award from academy of General Dentistry. This award requires 600 hours of continuing education and passing required examination. In July 2000 Dr. Carter received Mastership award from Academy of General Dentistry. This is the highest award for continuing education. This award requires 800hours of participation in dentistry specialties. According to the Journal of the Academy of General Dentistry, only 1% of US dentists achieve this high level of advancement.
Dr. Carter’s expertises are:
Invisalign, orthodontics, advanced TMJ treatment, oral surgery, sleep Disorders, placement of implants, restorations of cosmetic dentistry, whole mouth rehabilitation, fixed and removable prosthodontic, periodontics (soft tissue management), tooth and implant supported over dentures, endodontics, molars and anterior.