TMJ Symptoms

 Unfortunately there are  many TMJ symptoms, the nature of the disorder means that many of the symptoms are often linked to other problems. For instance, TMJ Disorder can cause severe headaches that are often diagnosed as migraines. TMJ sufferers then get treatment for migraines but find that treatment doesn’t really help and just suffer in silence. If your headaches are caused by migraines you CAN get treatment and relief from pain.

TMJ symptoms

The worst part about TMJ symptoms is how they are linked. One symptom of TM Disorder causes another problem, which in turn causes another problem. Many people treat the tertiary problems without ever treating the CAUSE of the problems. TM Disorder is a common cause for tooth grinding. If that’s not bad enough, tooth grinding in turn damages the teeth, in many instances irreparably. The grinding can wear down the teeth and cause tooth sensitivity. Eventually the near-constant grinding can actually crack the teeth and kill them! Then you have to have a tooth extraction and replace the tooth with a dental implant but with the constant grinding force the implant may not last as long as it should!
The worst part is that TMJ symptoms are not restricted to oral health problems. With the host of unpleasant symptoms, aches and pains that TMJ causes it is common to experience insomnia. Insomnia can have an incredibly negative affect on your life by changing your mood and cognitive abilities. People suffering from insomnia are less aware, energetic, happy and able to function with a daily routine. People suffering from insomnia grow more irritable and quick to anger and this can affect your personal relationships. Yet many people experiencing these problems never think to link it to TMJ disorder, even doctors and dentists! Here are some of the TMJ symptoms

  • Pain or tenderness in the face, jaw joint area, neck and shoulders, and in or around the ear when you chew, speak, or open your mouth wide
  • Limited ability to open the mouth very wide
  • Jaws that get “stuck” or “lock” in the open- or closed-mouth position
  • Clicking, popping, or grating sounds in the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouth (which may or may not be accompanied by pain) or chewing
  • A tired feeling in the face
  • Difficulty chewing or a sudden uncomfortable bite – as if the upper and lower teeth are not fitting together properly
  • Swelling on the side of the face
  • May occur on one or both sides of the face

Other common symptoms of TMJ include toothaches, headaches, neck aches, dizziness, earaches, hearing problems, upper shoulder pain, and ringing in the ears (tinnitis).

Dr. Parvin Carter has over 30 years of experience in Dentistry; she is a Preferred Provider of Invisalign and the director of A Redding Invisalign Center. She received her degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery, from Indiana University Dental School, in 1982, after which she immediately opened her private practice.
In July 1990 she received fellowship award from academy of General Dentistry. This award requires 600 hours of continuing education and passing required examination. In July 2000 Dr. Carter received Mastership award from Academy of General Dentistry. This is the highest award for continuing education. This award requires 800hours of participation in dentistry specialties. According to the Journal of the Academy of General Dentistry, only 1% of US dentists achieve this high level of advancement.
Dr. Carter’s expertises are:
Invisalign, orthodontics, advanced TMJ treatment, oral surgery, sleep Disorders, placement of implants, restorations of cosmetic dentistry, whole mouth rehabilitation, fixed and removable prosthodontic, periodontics (soft tissue management), tooth and implant supported over dentures, endodontics, molars and anterior.

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