Dentist in Redding: Hitler hated visiting the dentist

Hitler was known to hate the dentist.

Hitler was known to hate the dentist! Source:


The future Führer of Nazi Germany was known to hate the dentist.
A postcard sent during the First World War by Adolf Hitler after a visit to the dentist – in which he claimed to have had 19 teeth removed – has turned up in Munich.

‘You can’t imagine how nice I looked,’ he wrote to a fellow soldier called Karl Lanzhammer who was stationed in France. ‘Now I’m better.’

The card, dated December 21, 1916, has been authenticated after it was found in the collection of a postcard collector.

On the front of the card is a picture of Berlin’s Landwehr Canal and it is marked with the stamp of the 2nd Bavarian Infantry Regiment, Hitler’s unit at the time.

afraid of dentist?

Dentistry does not have to be scary! Source:


Some patients have such a fear of dentists that they avoid making dental appointments at all, or cancel appointments they do make. They usually tell me they’ve “always” been afraid of dentists. There are several things you can try to overcome this fear:

Happy patient

Find a dentist that you are comfortable with. Sourc of picture :


Find a Good Dentist for You. Finding a dentist who is sympathetic and understands that you are anxious and will work with you will increase your comfort. You need to feel at ease with your dentist if you want to overcome your fears, and your dentist needs to know what you fear and how they may be able to help you. Good communication also means things like rapport, body language, and using non-threatening language that you can understand. Rapport (a harmonious connection) also implies a relationship of equals, where you don’t perceive your dentist as a threatening or a condescending figure, but as a partner in your care. Communication means that you do things together with your dentist, rather than your dentist doing things to you.

Many dentists offer practices specifically targeted towards fearful people and offer a variety of solutions that may include sedation, and lots of reassurance.

Step by step

Step by Step you don’t have to do it all at once. Picture source:

Step by Step you don’t have to do it all at once. Schedule an examination so you can meet the dentist. Then come back for a cleaning. A couple of successful, low stress experiences, will help you cope.

Take a deep breath through your mouth hold it a bit and then slowly exhale. If you feel you are having an anxiety attack it helps to breath deeply from your stomach than from the chest to the stomach.

breath slowly

Take a deep breath through your mouth and hold it, and then slowly exhale. Source:

Set a date after your dentist appointment to do something fun. Or, reward yourself if you think you have overcome your fear.

Muscle relaxation. Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing and then releasing one group of muscles at a time. It can help to slow heart rate and promote calmness. Just a few minutes of progressive muscle relaxation may help during an appointment.


Focus your mind elsewhere to lessen anxiety. Source:

Distraction. Focusing your mind elsewhere is another way to lessen anxiety and pain. The more complicated the task, the better. Listening to music may help. But counting tiles on the ceiling or slats on a window blind may be even more effective.


In dentistry experience and Continuing Education are everything. Dr. Parvin Carter has over 30 years of experience in Practicing General Dentistry and 25 years in Orthodontics. She has thousands of hours of advanced training. In 2000, Academy of General Dentistry awarded Dr. Carter a Certificate of Mastership (MAGD) in General Dentistry. According to the Journal of the Academy of General Dentistry, only 1% of US dentists achieve this high level of advancement. Dr. Carter is a Certified and Preferred Provider of Invisalign. She has successfully treated over 400 patients with Invisalign. For more information please check

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Dentist in Redding: Do You Spread Cavities to your Baby?

The easiest way to catch a cavity is when a mother is feeding a child. The mother will taste the food to check the temperature and then continue feeding the child. Immediately, that’s how kids get cavities.

feeding a child

Your kid could get cavity when you taste her food

According to the study by researchers at University of Louisville School of Dentistry, mothers with cavities can transmit caries-producing oral bacteria to their babies when they clean pacifiers by sticking them in their own mouths or by sharing spoons.

Tooth decay can have a detrimental effect on a child’s quality of life, performance in school and success in life.

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Kissing between couples can transfer cavity causing bacteria .

Kissing between couples can also cause the spread of harmful bacteria. Dr Irwin Smigel has seen many patients, particularly women, who have clean, healthy mouths, discover a cavity or two after entering into a relationship with a man who has cavities, gum disease or hasn’t been to the dentist in several years.

One 40-year-old woman who had never had a cavity suddenly got two after she began dating a man who had periodontal disease and hadn’t been to a dentist in 18 years.

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A man who has periodontal disease can transfer cavity causing bacteria to his partner.

Infants and children are especially vulnerable to the bacteria. A 2007 study conducted at the University of Queensland’s School of Dentistry in Australia found that cavity-causing bacteria was found in the mouths of 30% of 3-month-old babies and more than 80% of 24-month-olds with primary teeth.

Mothers with dental disease present a very high risk to their children:


baby with bottle

The easiest way to catch a cavity is when a mother is feeding a child.

Are Cavities Really Contagious?

Just as a cold virus can be passed from one person to the next, so can cavity-causing bacteria. One of the most common is Streptococcus Mutans. Infants and children are particularly vulnerable to it, and studies have shown that most pick it up from their caregivers — for example, when a mother tastes a child’s food to make sure it’s not too hot .

How to prevent spread of cavity causing bacteria to your baby: